Saturday, November 6, 2010

Jockey for Position


2010 has been a very interesting year, to say the least. Today is November 6th after the midterm elections. It seems that the Republicans will regain power in the house of Representatives. No worries. This is a trend based on the fact that we have a Democrat in office as the President of the United States. Also, this is very important in many aspect of doing business. Most Economists will give you mixed opinions about the current status of our countries' recovery from a recession, but the facts remain clear. We need to create jobs.

In my opinion, now is time to leverage and jockey for position. I equate our current situation as being the coach of a NBA basketball team. The best team doesn't always win the championship. Most often, the team that is well coached with the right talent wins the title. Honestly speaking, to be a champion you have to think like a champion. Even when you are down by 20 points and your key player is hurt, you can still win. No, it is not always easy but it is a reality that you can still win. Establish and work the plan and hustle to no end. Champions!When Barack Obama said, " Yes We Can," it meant that we can do whatever we as a nation would like. Right now, we are down 20 and MJ just went down with an ankle injury. But we still have Scottie, Dennis and Phil Jackson coaching. "Yes We Can," Why not?

We are still the 2nd largest country in the world behind China. However, if we are going to work the plan we need to know about trends and history that are very important about our country. In the Reagan administration a trendy name was given to William Niskanen's game plan of how the Americans should conduct themselves in the free world, Reaganomics was established. These policies were effective for not only the eight years of President Reagan's administrations but also thru the Presidency's of George H.W Bush and William Clinton. Remember, the only time in our history that we had a surplus was when President George W. Bush took office in 2000. We all know what happen in 2001. But, what most people don't realize is that regulations in the mortgage industry lightened. This gave our country a real estate bomb unmatched by any other housing market or any other housing trend in our current history. Quasi government agencies were securitising no documentation and stated income loans by the trillions and most of the investors that purchased those securities were not American citizens. Ironically, not until the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) of October 2008, when we realized our direction, companies like AIG, Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley had to be bailed out, sold OR restructured in order for overseas investors to recoup the funds invested in what I call the FAKE PAPER market of 2001 until 2008.

The foundation of knowing the history of our troubles is to know what we are up against in 2010. Again, going back to our basketball analogy, we can not just shot threes in order to get back into this game, It is not a quick fix. We will obviously need a game plan and some patience to work a plan that seemingly is already predicted to fail in a fearful investor climate. But, we move forward never looking back and working towards a win that is inevitable. 3-2-1. Game!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A Starting Point (Part one)

Hello World,

You know, in life there are obstacles and pitfalls that make us feel defenseless about our journey, at times. But, I am reading a book called The Universe in a Single Atom: The Convergence of Science and Spirituality by Dalai Lama and it helps me to focus. A New Year and a new mind is my motto for 2010. The fact that I will be 40 years old this year is soo amazing because as a young lad I dreamt of the day. However, I thought I would be retired living on a Island in the carribean. I have always been a dreamer or as my mother would say a visionary. I was always able to use my imagination to create things that no one could i.e music, stories and even business concepts. Allow me to help you to see some of my visions.

I have been in the real estate industry for 15 years. But not until I realized the potential for me to change the lives of my family did I realize that I have a talent for building businesses. In 2007, my father and I ventured out and started a company dedicated to making dreams come true. Not only for our family but for the communities that we have served for so many years in the real estate industry. The motto of our new company "Dare to Dream" captured the vision of a father and son destined to become the nations next power team. But wait, the road can't be that easy. Afterall, in order for a new company to change lives they must first have a plan. So, off we go planning and positioning strategic partners nationally to encompass the vision. Never did we think that the vision would have a delay and there were things that had to be hammered out. Needless to say, our dreams of creating a new business and saving lives was cut short by a country in the initial stages of an economic recession and the fear was settling in to damage the framework of our marketing scheme. (To Be Continued)