Thursday, December 31, 2009


Hello World,

The sixth day of Kwanzaa, Kuumba, which means creativity with a definition to do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it. This principle exhibits the core beliefs of what President Barack Obama ran his 2008 campaign on with leaving our next generations a chance to build instead of rebuild. Looking back on a festive year for African Americans with the first black president of the new constitution and a chance for hope and change in a era where things started to look pretty bleek. We give a standing ovation to President Obama and his lovely family.

The year comes to an end tonight and I would like to thank all of the partners that helped to make Axiom Capital Funding a success. We started this company with a vision, a dream and a direction. The marching orders have been debated and we deployed on the hope that President Obama so gracefully beck upon our nation. We are not under any illusions that our journey will be easy. However, we do understand that we are only as good as the professionals that we surround ourselves. I would like to wish all of our colleagues a Happy New Year!!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Hello World,

Today is the day before new years eve Wednesday, December 30, 2009. This is the fifth day of Kwanzaa NIA pronouced nee-AH. The definition, to make as our collective vocation, the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness. As a crescendo to our seven day celebration I am going to focus on that last few words of the definition of NIA. "Restore our people to their traditional greatness." As I said in my previous post, this is my second year celebrating Kwanzaa and really reading to understand the full meaning of each principle. But, when I get to the last words of this principle it makes me aware of the fact that "our people" experienced greatness on another continient, another hemisphere, another age. Restoration would mean that we are not great RIGHT NOW and I live by a self proclaimed principle that I am ALREADY great. I wish that we lived in a world where we didn't have to engage in a history where our communities were destroyed by civil war, racism and Jim Crow. However, the reality of these actions are evident and prevelant in our media and marketing every day. We have to realize that we validate ourselves although we live in a culture that degrades the acceptance of our ancestors being from another land and studying another religion. The fact that we, as a people, have accepted the culture of a nation that says that we are 3/5 of a man just to protect our families from being separated or even murdered is disturbing. Nonetheless, we are a great people. Maya Angelou said it better when she wrote, "You may write me down in history, With your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I'll rise. Just like moons and like suns, With the certainty of tides, Just like hopes springing high, Still I'll rise." Those are very powerful words from a great woman in our history as I end my post for today.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics)

Hello World,

Today is Tuesday, December 29th 2009. I am celebrating the forth day of Kwanzaa and preparing for a great year in 2010. As I reflect on the meaning of the principle of Ujamaa (oo-jah-ma), cooperative economics, I remind others of a city in Oklahoma that was destroyed on June 21, 1921. This city embodied the definition of Ujamaa, to build and maintain our own stores, shops and other businesses and to profit from them together. This city is Greenwood, Oklahoma. A suburb of Tulsa, Greenwood gained national respect during the years of the oil boom of 1910 by gaining the nickname "Black Wall Street." There were many businesses in Greenwood that supported the population of approximately 10,000 african american settlers. Everything from barber shops, banks, clothing stores to realtors, doctors, lawyers and grocery stores all African American owned and operated. Ironically, there is no other time in history that African Americans had cooperative economics so perfectly cohesive than the years of 1910 up until 1921. Some agrue that today we have many organizations that support the cooperative economics of black people and that African Americans spend billions of dollars per year as consumers in America today. Needless to say, after reading and researching on this matter I concur with the critics. Even with the collaspe of the United States economy in Q3 2008, African Americans still spend $723 billion annually as consumers with fast food and entertainment toping the list. Furthermore, the number of African American millionaires has sky rocketed since 1921 with business persons like Robert Johnson, Earvin "Magic" Johnson, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods just to name a few. However, in comparing the wealth of today's millionaries and the impact of the cooperative economics of Greenwood, Oklahoma. You must be aware of the era. These settlers were first generation decendants of run away slaves. They had their religion and their families and were given the opportunity to live the American dream. Not until the Klu Klux Klan rioted the city on that lonely day in 1921 did the dream turn into a nightmare for thousands and the city has never recovered to date.

Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility)

Hello World,

This is my second year of actually celebrating Kwanzaa. I am soo happy that we as a people can cling to positive principles as the nation is seemingly understanding that there is a difference between truths and traditions. Ujima, collective work and responsibility, is a very important principle. To date our communities have been separated by religion, social status, gangs and political party. How long will we continue to be soo NAIVE? I was reading last night and came across a sentence that was so profound that I had to read it twice. The sentence read, " I realized that wealth was a way of thinking and not a dollar amount in the bank." I thought to myself, this is soo true. We have been trained to think that we should be chasing money instead of thinking rich. In other words, it is a class issue and not a money issue. This year I will be writing more about OUR thinking but today, UJIMA. It takes a community to raise a child. It also takes a community to stay alive in a world and nation that would rather give you the left overs and take the full course meal and trade it for MONEY. Respect yourself, then respect the ones around you enough to lend a helping hand. We should be studying together, YES, because obviously what we have been taught is NOT truth. It is called social engineering. Read about it and set yourself free from the oppression.

I would like to offer a helping hand to those of you that a looking to change your direction. Give me a call if you are looking to start a new business for our communities, help the sick and homeless in our community and build affordable homes in our community. You can call me at 630-570-1990 or email me at Namaste!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Hello World,

For years I have been doing business as an E or S but in 2007 my father and I ventured out to make a difference as B's and I's. I was encouraged that this was the right move to make in a failing economy and an incoming president running on CHANGE. After studying the markets and hearing the views of thousands of people I know feel that this country is going thru an overhaul. The people are realizing that in a information age there is too much to juggle with child care, health care and politicians only caring about their own selfish goals instead of the needs of the people. It makes you ask the question WHY. Why do we continue to engage in non sense instead of dealing with the real facts. We have kids watching television instead of reading books. We have men trying to feed their families with the money left over after they hang out with the boys and buy wii's. Come on guys lets change our minds in 2010. A new mind, a new life and propsperity for ALL.